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Port Forwarding Wizard 4.7 Crack

  1. This is the full cracked version of the software. Download, extract, install, enjoy.
  2. Inside the archive there is'crack' folder wich contains everything you need to crack the software.
  4. Port Forwarding Wizard Professional 4.8: Web interface let you easily maintain and operate anywhere. Command line tool of port forwarding in Pro version can be easily integrated with your software. Support SSL tunnel feature. Seamlessly integrated port forwarding withfile sharing function. Let your Infinitely windows port forwarding and enjoy fun of file share at the same time!
  5. Command line tool of port forwarding in Pro version can be easily integrated with your software. You will find a command line tool under the installed/bin directory. You can directly execute the command'pf-cmd'. Thecommand will read the config file of Port Forwarding Wizard Pro and start to run port forwarding for you. Or you can use the command'pf-cmd -t tcp -l 1234 -d -p 80', this will start a port forwarding that listen on port 1234and forward the connectionto destination ip address and destination port 80. You can use the command'pf-cmd -h'get more help info. By using this command line, you can just call the function ShellExecute in your software to launch the command, then your software just magically have the function of port forwarding.